Friday, June 3, 2011

Losing weight is HARD.

Losing weight can be very hard to lose. Like seriously. I don't' think I have gain any pound since I have been in Virgina too long but I refused to look at the scale. Looking at the scale is kinda of depressing because it gives you bad new. The number on the scale always stay the same even though you work extremely hard to lose weight for three weeks or more and your number remained the same. What the hell? ----->Depressing<------. I just don't' like it at all. I have not check the scale since I stop working out at Bally Fitness. To be honest, I really don't want to know. I have been very lazy for the past few month. I am trying my best not to eat too much. I have not find my comfortable zone where I want  to work out. Sometimes I considering not to lose any weight because I love the way I am. It is either med-thick or thick, I still look GOOD no matter what. One thing I do not like to weight more than my partner's weight. I want to take 40 pound off of me unless I am plan to get pregnant. lol. Losing 40 pound seem to be very lot to lose but I have to be real determination to lose the pound that I want. I don't have high metabolism like some people have. AS I aged, I tend to lose weight slowly. I don't have children and I'm in excellent shape as my doctor stated it. I don't have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and I work out some days. The workout journey will continue throughout my life. I don't want to have any health issue near future. I want to make a difference in my life and have a healthy lifestyle. I am overweight but I might not look overweight to you. I have been heavy girl all through my life.